2017大稻埕國際藝術節 《外籍攝影師鏡頭下的大稻埕》攝影展 + BURN MY EYE工作坊


2017大稻埕國際藝術節 《外籍攝影師鏡頭下的大稻埕》攝影展 + BURN MY EYE工作坊 + 講座

The 2017 Tua-Tiu-Tiann Arts Festival Presents

Tua-Tiu-Tiann through a Foreign Lens 


本展分三個單元,第一是邀請居住在台灣的外籍攝影師前來大稻埕街拍,看他們如何用攝影眼詮釋這充滿人文古蹟與傳統建築的地區,特安排 8 月 13 日的導覽外拍活動並於徵選後展出;第二是邀請網路知名的街頭攝影團隊 BURN MY EYE 的三位街拍攝影師──美國的 Andrew Kochanowski、日本的 Junku Nishimura 及台灣的林道明,舉辦一場亞洲首次的大師攝影工作坊;第三是邀請從事新聞攝影採訪工作的張良一,及網路知名街拍攝影達人森爸演講。期待讓更多人看見大稻埕,體驗屬於台灣的傳統風情。

This photography event is divided into three parts. The first involves inviting expatriate photographers in Taiwan to cast their photographic eye on the streets of Tua Tiu Tiann to see how they interpret the cultural monuments and traditional architecture of the area. A guided tour will take place on August 13, with a subsequent exhibition during the month of October. The second part involves inviting three photographers from the well-known BURN MY EYE photography collective, Andrew Kochanowski from the United States, Japan's Junku Nishimura, and Taiwan's T.C. Lin, to hold BME’s first photography workshop in Asia. The third part involves talks by local photographers Chang Liang-I, a well-known photojournalist, and popular photography blogger Ethan Chiang. We look forward to more people getting to know the historic Tua Tiu Tiann area and experience the traditional style of Taiwan.

外籍攝影師鏡頭下的大稻埕 攝影展

Tua-Tiu-Tiann through a Foreign Lens   Photography Exhibition

|時間 Time|

10/1 (Sun) - 10/31 (Tue)

|地點 Place

URS 127 玩藝工場


台北市大同區迪化街一段 127 號 No. 127, Sec.1, Dihua St., Datong Dist., Taipei CityNo. 127, Sec.1, Dihua St., Datong Dist., Taipei City

URS 27W 城市影像實驗室 


台北市大同區延平北路二段 27 號 No. 27, Sec.2, Yanping North Rd., Datong Dist., Taipei City

Le Zinc 洛 Café & Bar


台北市民生西路 362 巷 34 號 No.34, Ln. 362, Minsheng W. Rd., Datong Dist., Taipei City


林道明 T.C. Lin

美國佛州小鎮成長的林道明,自小就對光學著迷,正因如此,他一向擔任家中小小攝影師的職務。踏入攝影工作的契機是來到台灣才開始。大學畢業後便擔任攝影助理工作,而後陸續經歷廣告公司、光啟社、TVBS 新聞台等工作,其中最令他回味的工作是 TVBS 的「台灣之美」及「一步一腳印」的工作,隨著採訪小組一起上山下海雖然辛苦,但也更深刻的接觸台灣土地。目前他在台北中正社區大學擔任街拍攝影老師,同時也是 Burn My Eye 攝影團隊的創始成員之一。他的作品曾幾次刊登在 TIME 雜誌、紐約客和其他出版物上,並在台北、杭州、倫敦、巴黎、舊金山和布魯塞爾各地展出攝影作品。

T.C. Lin's interest in photography began the moment he commandeered the family camera when he was growing up in the American south, and continued after he immigrated to Taiwan in 1989. Having studied at universities in the U.S. and Taiwan as well as attending film school in New York City, over the years he has been a cameraman, a shoe factory inspector in China, a conscript soldier in the Taiwanese army, and an editor at numerous newspapers and magazines. Currently he teaches photography at Zhong Zheng Community College in Taipei. A founding member of the Burn My Eye photography collective, his work has appeared in TIME, The New Yorker, and other publications, as well as being exhibited in Taipei, Hangzhou, London, Paris, San Francisco and Brussels.



|導覽外拍 Tour Guide

8/13 (Sun) 10:00-11:00

集合地點: 迪化郵局 台北市迪化街一段38號

Meeting place: Dihua Street Post Office: No. 38 Dihua Street, Section 1.

報名連結 Registration site:

BURN MY EYE 大師街拍攝影工作坊


|時間 Time|

10/7-10/9 (Sat-Mon) 9:00-17:00

|地點 Place

URS 27W 城市影像實驗室 


台北市大同區延平北路二段 27 號 No. 27, Sec.2, Yanping North Rd., Datong Dist., Taipei City

|費用 Price

12,000 元  (8/31前完成報名享早鳥優惠 9,000元)。 限 15 人。

NT$12,000 (An

early-bird price of NT$9,000 will be available to those applying before 8/31). Limit:15 people.

英文進行,備有中文翻譯。 報名網址 Registration site:

|講師 Lecturer|

Andrew Kochanowski 

Andrew Kochanowski 拍攝了將近 15 年的街頭攝影和紀錄片。他時常接受攝影專欄採訪並透過攝影展及網路發表作品。他也是 Burn My Eye 團隊的創始人之一,多次參加美國及歐洲地區的個人及團隊的攝影展。他最新的創作計畫請見其個人網站

Based in Detroit, Andrew Kochanowski has shot street photography and documentary projects for almost 15 years. He has been interviewed and published in numerous print and web spaces. Andrew is one of the founders of the Burn My Eye collective, and has had a number of individual and group projects, with BME and others, shown in the United States and Europe. Current projects are featured in revolving series on his site

Junku Nishimura

Junku Nishimura 生於 1967 年日本西部山口縣的一個小型煤礦村,在那裡居住到 18 歲。爾後到京都上大學,研究拉丁美洲事務。大學畢業後,他擔任一家俱樂部的 DJ,也曾於水泥製造商從事建築工作,之後也到各地參與隧道工程。當他獲得一台萊卡相機就開始拍攝他工作的環境,工作 18 年後他就辭職開始展開他攝影的旅程,他現在在山口從事自由攝影師。他是 Burn My Eye 攝影團隊的成員。

Junku Nishimura was born in a small coal-mining village in 1967 in Yamaguchi Prefecture, western Japan, where he lived until the age of 18. He entered college in Kyoto and studied Latin American affairs. After college he performed as a club DJ, worked as a construction worker and got a job with a cement manufacturer, and worked at tunnel construction sites across the country as a concrete expert. He then got a Leica and began photographing the places he worked. After 18 years of working, he quit his job and photographed countries and regions while wandering around the world. He now work as a freelance photographer based in Yamaguchi. He is a member of the Burn My Eye photography collective.

 T.C. Lin (林道明)


日常,非比尋常! Everyday is Extraordinary!


|時間 Time|

10/15 (Sun) 14:30

|地點 Place

URS 27W 城市影像實驗室 


台北市大同區延平北路二段 27 號 No. 27, Sec.2, Yanping North Rd., Datong Dist., Taipei City

|講師 Lecturer|

張良一 Chang Liang-I 


|免費 Free |

詳細報名資訊: Burn My Eye


Why Street Photography?


|時間 Time|

10/21 (Sat) 14:30 

|地點 Place

URS 127 玩藝工場


台北市大同區迪化街一段 127 號 No. 127, Sec.1, Dihua St., Datong Dist., Taipei CityNo. 127, Sec.1, Dihua St., Datong Dist., Taipei City

|講師 Lecturer| 森爸 Ethan Chian 

街拍攝影師 |免費 Free |

詳細報名資訊: Burn My Eye

Burn my eye :

主辦單位:大稻埕國際藝術節 TTTIFA
FB粉絲專頁: 大稻埕國際藝術節
